Saturday, 17 September 2011


Dear Neighbour,

There are two new on-line articles you might like to take a few minutes to review:


I continue to work hard over these last 2 days and thank you again for all  your support!



Thursday, 15 September 2011

Voting Day – Monday, September 19, 2011

Dear Neighbour,

Only six weeks ago when I registered as a candidate for the Councillor of Ward 5 of Mississauga I was considered an unknown.  Now the Mississauga News is endorsing me!!

Please read their complete article at:

This is very exciting but it is humbling too.  I appreciate the support that I have received from all of you as I have met with you these past six weeks.  I want you to know that when the election ends, the communication does not.  I will only be a phone call or an email away, and always willing to meet with you to address concerns you may have.

Voting day is Monday, September 19, 2011.  To find out where to vote, please visit the following

Simply enter your street name and street number, and you will be directed to where to vote.  The web-site also tells you what identification you need to bring with you when you vote.

If you need a ride to the poll, please call me at 647-705-0696 or email me at

Thank you once again for all of your support.



Tuesday, 13 September 2011

The Different Levels of Government in Canada

Hello Neighbour,

You may have noticed that not only are the By-election signs up - now the provincial candidates are starting to place their signs for the upcoming Provincial election, scheduled for October 6, 2011. It can certainly be confusing!

While working in the Ward 5 office the past four years, I learned that it is often difficult for residents to know who to call when they have a concern.  Here is a brief overview of the four levels of Government in Canada and the responsibilities of each level:
Federal – responsible for defence, criminal law, employment insurance, postal service, census, copyrights, trade regulation, external relations, money and banking, transportation, citizenship, Indian affairs

Provincial – responsible for property and civil rights, administration of justice, natural resources, environment, education, health, welfare

Regional – responsible for regional roads, public health, non-profit housing, heritage, police, long term care facilities, water and wastewater, social services, children’s services, paramedics, garbage and recycling

Municipal – responsible for local roads, parks and recreation, planning and zoning, taxation, by-law enforcement, economic development, fire, libraries, licensing

Councillors in Mississauga serve not only as Municipal Councillors, but also as Regional Councillors.  They wear two hats, as it were!  So in the up-coming by-election, the Municipal Councillor that you select for Ward 5 for the City of Mississauga will also sit as a Regional Councillor for the Region of Peel.

As a re-cap, serving you in the different roles of Canadian Government you have a Federal Member of Parliament (MP), a Member of Provincial Parliament (MPP), and a Councillor who serves both Municipally and Regionally.

Please feel free to contact me with any concern, and if it doesn’t fall under Municipal or Regional jurisdiction, I’ll direct you to the right person.

I’m ready to wear two hats!  Thanks for your support!


Voting Day:  Monday, September 19, 2011
To find out where to vote, please visit the following web-site:

Saturday, 10 September 2011

Advance Polls Are Open This Weekend

Dear Neighbour,

Voting day is officially Monday, September 19th, but the advance polls are open this weekend - September 10th or 11th.    Please take advantage of this opportunity to vote early. 

To find out where to vote, please visit the following web-site:

Simply enter your street name and street number, and you will be directed to where to vote – both at the advance polls this weekend (September 10th and 11th) and on September 19th.  The web-site also tells you what identification you need to bring with you when you vote.

Thank you for your continued support.



Thursday, 8 September 2011

September – Back to School Time and Time to Vote

Dear Neighbour,

September is here.  The nights (and days!) are already cooler, and the days continue to get shorter.

School has started.  Please remember to drive cautiously and keep an eye out for our children as they walk to school. 

Some of our students will be heading off to start post-secondary education.  This will be an exciting time for them, as they head out on their own – perhaps for the first time. 

I wish all students, of all grades, a successful and rewarding year.

September also is the month that you have the opportunity to vote for your new Ward 5 Councillor.  I hope that I can count on your support.  I am proud to call Ward 5 my home, and I look forward to working for my home Ward – our community – on your behalf.

Thank you for your support.



Monday, 5 September 2011

Ward 5 - Train tracks in Malton and Trafffic in Britannia

Dear Neighbour,

It is busy times these days - and I know that many of you were busy with wonderful long weekend plans. I hope they are all involving great times with friends and family and safe travels throughout the weekend.

There have been two incidents this weekend that I wanted to share with you. On Friday evening at about 8:30 there was much whistle blowing and the loud screeching of brakes from a train on the tracks approaching Goreway Drive. Then I was called by a friend and neighbour living close by who was shocked that the train had come to a complete standstill behind her home, at the level crossing of Goreway. Apparently a vehicle, when the crossing lights were activated and the gates beginning to come down, had attempted to cross the tracks, and not cleared them, experiencing some impact at the rear of the vehicle. Emergency vehicles attended - police, fire and ambulance - although I have not been told of any injuries at this time. Many people are impatient about the wait for this train to pass.You may have noticed that the first item about Malton on my literature that you may have already seen is to address the building of the Goreway Drive Grade Separation, also called the "Goreway Bridge", over these very tracks. As the Executive Assistant in Ward 5 for well over the past 4 years, I know what is needed to ensure that the Goreway Bridge is built. The process has already begun, and Mississauga is ready to build, however, the City of Brampton does not have this in their budget until 2013. I would ensure that this project "stays on track".

The second incident happened on Saturday morning at the intersection. of Bristol Road and Guildwood Way. While we were speaking with people in the area, we heard a loud bang, and as we were headed in that direction , soon saw the arrival of emergency vehicles and tow trucks. It did not appear that anyone required medical attention, but both vehicles had to be towed from the scene. We of course do not know what caused the collision. You may have noticed that the first item about Britannia on my literature that you may have already seen is to address speeding on residential streets. I would ensure that traffic calming is a priority, that accidents would not be this unfortunate common occurrence in our neighbourhoods.

We are working hard to speak with as many of you as possible in the short time available, and if I have not yet had the privilege of speaking with you, and you have anything you would like to discuss with me, please do not hesitate to contact me at 647-705-0696 or by email at:

May each of you enjoy the rest of a safe and happy holiday weekend!


Friday, 2 September 2011

The Debate Results – Who Won?

Dear Neighbour.

I’m honoured, and humbled too, to share with you that Gerry Timbers, Managing Editor of the Mississauga News, unofficially declared me “the clear winner on the night” following the Ward 5 all-candidates meeting that took place this past Monday night. 

For all his comments, please visit:

It’s an incredible feeling to receive such encouragement!  I’ve served in Ward 5 for the past four years as the Executive Assistant so I’m right up-to-date on all the issues and concerns of the Ward, and of the City of Mississauga’s Council and of the Region of Peel Council.  I’m ready to hit the ground running.

And I can’t wait to get started on September 20th!

Please be sure to vote on September 19th or at the advance polls on September 10th and 11th.

Thank you for your support.

